The attached map is for Bolo maniacs only. If you are new to Bolo, this map would be a very frustrating experience. Bolo is a truly great game for groups so start off with a different map. I would hate to see anyone turned off Bolo because of this map.
On the other hand, if you are a 10th degree Bolo master, this map will provide you with some amusement when your Bolo buddies aren't around.
The object of this map is to capture both bases in the shortest amount of time USING ONLY ONE TANK.
This map was created by my son, Robert Hogg. He has captured both bases in 2 minutes and 10 seconds. My best time is about 6 minutes.
There are a least three different ways of achieving the goal. All of them are difficult. If it seems impossible to get through with one man, practice. (Non of the three solutions involves drilling through the huge walls. The walls are there merely to enforce an order to the conquering of the map. A person could presumably tank up with bullets from the first base enough times to drill through the walls. However this would take a very long time and would be pointless since that is not the object of the map.)
One other thing, this map is designed for "tournament" or "strict tournament" play, NOT OPEN GAME. The challenge would be greatly reduced in open game as one starts with trees, bullets, and mines. On this map you have to earn those things. NO CHEATING. Okay? (Just kidding. Cheat if you want to but the above time of 2 minutes and 10 seconds was done in tournament mode.)
Good luck,
Doug Hogg
P. S. Please leave send comments, suggestions, etc to DougH8, American Online or Doug Hogg, LAMG